Couples Therapy
Relationships can provide us with the greatest sense of fulfillment when things are going well but also a great sense of pain when things are not.
Relationship difficulties are not necessarily an indicator of incompatibility. Instead, they are often the result of unhelpful patterns of behavior that function to block effective communication, strain friendship and drain intimacy.
Couples Counselling Australia​
We have Couples Therapists on our team that are trained extensively in the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy: This is a scientific approach built on over 40 years of research that is centered on addressing 3 core areas of your relationship:
Improving Communication
Deepening Friendship and Connection
Discovering Meaning and Dreams
Too many couples wait until the relationship is at rock bottom before looking into getting support. If you or your partner are unsure if you want to engage in therapy together, we invite you to reach out to us here and have a no-obligations chat to one of our psychologists to see if we could help you both in your journey forward.